Thursday, December 16, 2010

"It's Raining...not Snowing"

Rain is softly falling. The view from my front porch! It was a dreary, cool, overcast winter day. While living in Arizona has it advantages, though at Christmas time we get rain instead of snow. I am a midwest girl at heart and I truly love a snowy day with lots of snow on the ground. Hearing the crunch of snow under my feet reminds of the delightful times and adventures I had living back east. I may have to do something to create a snowy environment here. How about the outside decor including many shades of white with lots of glitter to create a winter look? I could hang glass icicles from my tree (I do) or perhaps I need to stack mounds of faux snowballs in outdoor urns and hang snowflakes and icicles from my porch. Not this year though, we have red lights on the porch columns and white cluster lights on the eaves. Looks like a candy cane house when the lights are on. Next year, we'll see what we can add, there's a whole year to plan.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

90 Concrete Tiles Later...Up a Ladder

Part of our keeping our current insurance provider was to replace and repair the broken tiles on our roof. Not an easy task as we have about ten different slopes and separate areas of roofing.  The inspection report said that twenty tiles needed to be removed and replaced...I think the man couldn't count right or he grew tired.  Actually it was more like ninety tiles that had to be carried up the ladder and the old broken tiles were tossed off the roof. When I said tossed off...that's exactly what happened...wherever they would fall or should I say where they were thrown and not by me. Front yard, side yard, rear yard, by the drive way and if you are wondering who got to collect and pick up the broken tiles...look no was me.  See the pile! The dark tiles are actually the ones that were replaced. What a difference in color and we have a pile of the original ones...that's what the sun does to them.  Next project..finding a way to get rid of the pigeons and helping them to find a new roosting place...think it's possible? Dirty birds!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Moved In...Settled?

It was a remember? Really not sure but with welcomed relief, its done. Yeah no more more boxes to pack...and now I will hopefully be able to find some of the lost or misplaced things.
What a life style change!  Cool at night...chilly I should say. Room to roam. More cleaning...lots of dust and finally the coyotes.  Their cries and howls in the night can be darn right scary. And you know why they are making all of the noise of course, they hunting for something to eat.  No more night walks, which I love.  Run into to three of the critters and I think we both almost wet our pants.  They ran and I sure walked a little faster home.  And can I say it is good to be home? More to follow.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Las Vegas October 2010

Wedding Vows Renewed
A few of my favorite photos of the weekend. Time spent with family celebrating and visiting the casinos.  Some are so amazing and filled with the most beautiful sights.
Celebrating 60 years of marriage
The Venitian
New York New York

Paris Hotel
Ceiling in the Belogio

The Belogio
Part of the 9-11 Exhibit at New York New York

Week 4

Looking at newly varnished floor 
Items Completed *  Floors finished and they are beautiful.
                                Took four days for the polyurithan coat.
                                Couldn't work in the house.
                            *  Fencing
                            *  Garden started
                            *  Still working on the paint colors...this
                                will be a work in progress
                            *  Bought white appliances to be delivered
                                this week
                            *  Washed doors and removed hardware
                            *  Removed and replaced around 90 concrete roof
Rear Porch
                            *  Painters begin tomorrow..last week before move.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 3

Completed...a lot of bits and pieces
* Floors are repaired, sanded and stained
* Windows fixed
* New garage door installed
* All screens removed and washed..just lost one
* New fence up and gates to be installed
* Top soil delivered
* Found new stove...undecided about it
   ..not sure if I want to spend the money
   right now and do I really want all white
* Gift from a friend..two outside lights to
   frame the new front door
* Gift from a great friend...beautiful chandlier
   for dining room
* All cupboards washed and cleaned, inside and out
* Ordered new locks and handlesets
* Still looking for dishwasher..back to the color choice
* Choose interior paint colors
* Bought paint samples for the exterior..hope they work
* Washed and cleaned up all the exterior of
   the windows, sills and frames.  This was
   gross, lots of dead bugs and spider webs.
Seems to be a theme...dead bugs and spider webs
Thats country living?

Tired...moving day?  Maybe ten days off.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 2

Completed..* new door installed
                   * front porch cleaned and catsclaw vines removed
                   * drywall repairs completed through out house and garage
                   * cleaned up weeds, dead birds and trash front yard
                   * rear yard..gas powered weed eater took care of it
                   * cleaned and washed all windows and frames
                   * washed half of interior doors
                   * started cabinet much of a good thing..
                      need several of these items going at one time
                   * cleaned fireplaces...cobwebs and dead bugs
                   * vacuumed the closets and walls..more cobwebs                            

Birds nest was an interesting construction project for the bird...actually made out of cotton and strung among the catsclaw.
Also found lots of hornets nests, strange looking black bugs...huge black bugs and lots of ants.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Life of a Dog named Lily

A warm fall day found Lily in the water hole or perhaps its the water trough, where she loves to cool off. The life of a dog...sweet.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I was Blessed!

After months of bidding, loosing the bid, bidding again and then winning the bid, getting our mortgage, the house is finally ours.  With all due pomp and ceremony, the keys were delivered Thursday night.
Such a lovely home, lots of work ahead, but it will be fun and worth it.  Next chores...moving 500 concrete  roof tiles, removal of about 40 pigeons, a new garage door, yard cleaning( a little over an acre), about 200 feet of new fencing(needed for the pups), a new front door to choose, deciding where to put the doggie door, new shutters, finding a missing rack for the microwave and oven, new racks for the dishwasher and picking out interior house colors, so the painting can begin.  These are just a few of the things to do.  Any offers? Looking forward to a cool evening to enjoy this fireplace in the master bedroom.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Fairy Door

 A Fairy door...actually this one is located in the Jefferson Market and Cakery in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  There are various locations and sightings of these small doors through out the downtown area.  I was hoping to be able to go to this part of Michigan sometime this summer, visit some of these sites and also where my family lived and farmed.  My ancestors  settled in this area around 1836.  My Dad's Father's family came from Germany, my Dad's Mother's  family came from Western New York State.  A history book of this area describes the Latham family and surprisingly there are actual photographs of the family.  Next year with wings on, I will be able to go and visit.  There are more fairy doors to locate and I know more relatives to meet. Jefferson Market and Cakery


PATIENCEPatience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.Or which you can wait for things.   And it's the latter meaning that I am abundently aware of this weekend.  Will keep you posted.  All human wisdom is summed up in two words - "wait and hope”.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Next Week if God is willing and creek don’t rise…the God willing part is so true, we will be CLOSING on the dream house.  Moving one more time in a month…somewhat bittersweet, I do enjoy living in Mountain Park Ranch where we are now. We are across from a small dog park and it has been entertaining.  There must be around 50 dogs and their owners that visit each day.  And with so many types and shapes of humans and dogs, quite a view.
End of next week we deliver our check, get our new keys and the fun begins.  And it will be fun.  Does any one know how to get rid of the rats with wings?  Keep you posted.  Just a little more patience needed.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's Back!

The Dream House is back on the market...and of course I jumped right in with a bid. Within 24 hours, we learned there were multiple bids, darn it. Gave a new bid of our biggest and best offer, we'll see if this time we are the lucky ones.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tired but with a song in my heart!

File:With a Song in My Heart.jpgTired is the name of the game today. Tired is from being so so busy. This is a great thing and I couldn't be happier.  Well perhaps if the Jean house was going to be mine.  Things change and you just never know.
I must admit that new doors do open and the opportunities are there.  It's back to having the patience and a dream. 
Keep on striving, I am.  

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Little Sad Today

tears.jpg (16393 bytes)Feeling a little sad today. Darn it.   Found out my dream, and I was so hoping the Jean house would be ours.  Not to be though, we wouldn't be enjoying the wrap around porches complete with a few sets of rocking chairs  or the open floor plan or that wonderful fireplace in the Master bedroom.  My, my what a view of the mountains and the citrus groves we will miss. Unless by some act of God, it will be some one else's to enjoy.  Darn it. Darn it. 
I just hate waiting for answers...the process of buying a lender owned or a short sale house is long, you need a lot of patience and a whole lot of luck.  Lots of buyers out there right now. Today I am just not feeling it...tomorrow with the anticipation of another Jean house on the horizon, I am sure the thrill of the hunt will take over.  I know I will enjoy that feeling a lot more.
Update on Mouffetard, his parents saw the posters and are thrilled to have him home.  Actual name "Guinness", a fitting name for him.  Reason for leaving home...those 4th of July fireworks.  

Friday, July 9, 2010

"Friends" What a Blessing!

Friendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship. 
Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.
Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as our reasons we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life. And how they enrich us! I am thankful for each and everyone I have.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Lost Dogs"

Do you ever wonder where all of the lost dogs come from? What kind of life they had before leaving their homes? Do they have loved ones missing them greatly?  Whose bedside is mourning the loss of that dog? What child went to bed sad and lonely with out their friend? What is the dog's name?  How old is he? Is he lonely, scared and sad?  So hard to know!  At my sister's this weekend, this is what greeted me when I opened the front door Sunday morning, with a cup of coffee in hand. A chocolate lab just waiting for someone to wake up and greet him. What a wonderful guy he is..a dog I mean.  Smart, friendly, knows some commands and yes and like my Mattie May, he is just happy some one is petting him. Found posters went up with the thought in mind, sure hope the owner's didn't want him. If they are found and want him back great, but if not I know this gentle lab has a new home, with his smile and all. He crinkles’ his mouth around in such a fashion that it looks like he is smiling.  I am hoping this will have  happy ending, a dog that needed a new home and my sister who needed another companion. A new about....Mouffetard?

Friday, July 2, 2010

History of the Fourth - "When in the Course of Human Events.."

"Taxation without representation!" That was the battle cry of the 13 colonies in America that were forced to pay taxes to England's King George III with no representation in Parliament. As dissatisfaction grew, British troops were sent in to quell any signs of rebellion, and repeated attempts by the colonists to resolve the crisis without war proved fruitless.

Perhaps this sounds a little familiar...No representation in Congress!  Though we don't have to fight a foreign country to gain our freedom...more like a take back of our government ...or rather a stream lining of it. Less is more!
And a door wreath..? This one of my latest craft items...looks good...perhaps a bigger bow next time.
Enjoy the 4th weekend. I know I will!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Where will it be"

Looking for a new home…where is it?  Not sure yet, the availability of houses change daily and so do my expectations and desires.  The two previous homes A and B are sold, at least for the moment.  House A, we attended the auction, had paddle in hand, darn it, the final price was above my intended price. An auction house can end up costing more money, if it isn’t purchased below comps. There are all kinds of additional fees, closing costs and no inspection period, its as is.  Can be a big risk, most of these homes have not been maintained or cleaned..number of years in these sad state, is sad. A couple bought it, at least they think they did, another side item, the lender or owner has two weeks to accept the offer, it doesn’t mean they are the buyers, the bid can be rejected. Wish them the best, lovely house, lovely area.  House B has an offer, it’s a good thing for the property, has been empty for awhile, though I have to admit, I was looking forward to using the pink and yellow bathroom. May the new owners keep the original style on this original historic home.
Though I was able to find House C and D..the pickings are getting low.  Good news, we did make an offer on House D.  Now waiting for an answer from the bank, it will be long couple of days. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ok...just sitting here watching TV..

See full size image..thank God for cats and my Spice.  We are renting a nice small house in a lovely lake community. Though its not ours, I have placed a few of my favorite things about to make it homey. Lovely setting, the house is located by group of lakes, adjacent to the Eastern Canal with lots of open spaces .We are in the smaller homes though there are next to us some large homes(mini mansons) with lake frontage. Great place for walking and hiking, the dogs love the trails. Though there is a down side...there a cock roaches...I hate them, hate them..and I don't care if they are called water beatles or what ever other name they go by...large ones, small ones are here..all over the back yard at night and in the garage..and my wonderful cat...just caught and ate one...she found it in the is my cat. And now she got is good, I keep telling myself that. :) 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Other Country Place

Plan B - A great second!
A taste of the Country in the City of Chandler * One Acre Irrigated Lot * No HOA * Orginal downtown Chandler Home built in 1930 by Chandler High School, moved in 1985 to present location and remodeled * Features hardwood floors, new carpet in master, Hutch Fireplace in spacious living room, formal dining room, kitchen nook, large laundry room with washer & dryer and half bath, walk-in closets. Great location in south Chandler with easy access to loop 202, Chandler Parks, Golf Courses, Chandler Mall and award winning Chandler Schools * Horse coral * Additional detached 2-Car Carport, Tack Room & RV/Boat Storage * New Block Wall fencing & front landscaping * Private Gate Entry for security. And best of all a pink and yellow vintage bathroom. Original kitchen cabinets..just need a vintage stove. How good life would be!

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Country Place in Arizona

Yippee…May have just found the house of my dreams.  A real little country place in Arizona, hard to believe and we found it.   Even has a small picket fence in front.  The house is up for auction on June 22 and I will be attending with my own paddle to bid on it.  Have bought items(antiques) at other auctions, but never a house.  Good thing I have the loan ready and waiting.
So wish me luck, I can feel my crafty ways, dreams and ideas coming back.
A little prayer would be helpful also.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Birthday for a Gemini

Today is my birthday. Another year has passed so quickly. And what a year it has been! I suppose birthdays are a natural time to reflect upon where you're at and what you're doing. And this has been a great year to reflect upon. My hard work over the last few years is coming to a close, and I'm shortly to be embarking on an exciting new occupation. My friends and family are all healthy and well and are living lovely lives. I am feeling fitter and stronger than I have in a few years, and am looking forward to feeling even better in the future. All in all, it's a happy birthday, and I'm grateful for it.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Life without the Plasma TV

Ultra Slim, Touch of Colourâ„¢ Design
It's a beautiful picture..but no longer.  Our TV didn't make it to the new house, without some problems...the whole screen is cracked.  It’s a definite flaw and it simply will not work. Took almost two years to buy it and gone now...sometime in the twenty minute drive between the old and new house. I think the vibrations cracked the screen. The's quite and actually a whole lot more pleasant with out the noise. Time now for books, magazines, sewing and for other things that have been put on hold. I am simply enjoying it. Not that we are without a TV; no we still have three other ones.  The picture is not the same quality and perhaps time for change, less TV watching. Or being less focused on actually being entertained or entertaining ourselves..Profound. OMG…what have I become?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Byes and Moving Forward

The move is over!  After almost twenty-three years of living on East Tremaine Ave, we sold the house (closes on Tuesday) and moved to a rental house. OMG, its in south Chandler!  A new area to explore; can’t wait. Will call this rental home for the next three months. Hopefully a new home will be found, financing arranged and will able to move in by August 15th.  A tall order, but doable, if all of the pieces fall into place.  If not will find another short-term rental and move there.
Some regrets, though not many. It was time, long ago to move on.  Neighborhoods change, people move in and out, lose friends and it doesn’t seem or becomes a place you really want to live any longer.
The house is clean, ready and waiting for its new owners. A family of five including three boys, a 9 months, a 2 year old and a charming 4 year old will be living there.  That house will ring with joy, laughter and tears. It will be some one else’s home now.  After meeting Julie, who seemed so proud and happy to buy this home, it took some of the sadness out of this transaction.  They have been house hunting for three years, before choosing our home, what a privilege.  I know I am leaving it in good hands.
Now on to the next leg of this journey…house hunting this afternoon. Yeah.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Road Less Traveled

London Bridge, Lake Havasu, Arizona

"London Bridge” is falling down, falling down, falling down." Well, not anymore it isn't. And I was fortunate to spend a few days in this Arizona city. Though getting there or should I say, I was wondering if I would ever get there. There aren't any road markers on I-10, saying this exit to Lake Havasu or least I did not see any. So I just kept driving, but when we crossed into California, I thought we might have just gone to far. At the checkpoint, I asked the produce inspector...which way?  Am I headed in the right direction?  I received a kind of a blank look and was told, go to Blithe and exit at I-95 and head north. 
So head north we did, we are now on the west side of the Colorado River, on a narrow, poorly maintained road.  Not much traffic, barren landscape and signs that kept saying Needles 99 miles or Vidal 30 miles. Now who ever heard of Vidal California?  Not me!  But press forward we did, figuring there
had to be a point to cross over the river.  I do like traveling roads I have never traveled, but to be honest this time I was worried. We had left Chandler at 5:30 am and had anticipated getting to Lake Havasu before 9:30 so we could attend a specific workshop.
Vidal, how can I describe it…a little bitty place that time has forgotten, no gas station, a few homes and nothing else for miles.  It’s one of those place where you have been there, done that and never again.
Long story short after about 30 more miles we did cross the river at Parker Dam.  Interesting architecture…and was built in the late 30’s. 
The Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam that crosses the Colorado River 155 miles downstream of Hoover Dam. It is 320 feet high, 235 feet of which are below the riverbed, making it the deepest dam in the world. The dam's primary functions are to act as a reservoir, and to generate hydroelectric power. The dam straddles the border between California and Arizona. The reservoir behind the dam is called Lake Havasu and can store 647,000 acre·ft or over 210 billion US gallons.  I guess you could call this route, the road less traveled.
Even though we had this little side trip and after seeing some actual road signs we did make it to Havasu, though a little late.  Had a great time, enjoyed some good food, drank some delicious margaritas, toured a bit and met lots of ladies from other Arizona DAR Chapters and a few daughters from other states.
Next time though, I will be ready,  printed directions from Google or at least take a map of the state. You just never know when you need one. Can't rely on markers...though it was strange there wasn't a sign advertising Lake Havasu or at least an exit number. And we did make it home...this time we went to Parker, then headed east towards Wickenburg and then south for 10 miles to the I-10.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Waiting Quotes

I needed some inspiration to help alleviate my lack of patience when
dealing with the "Waiting Game".  Here are some quotes to clarify
the word "Waiting".  For the next couple of weeks, more patience
is needed to "wait".  
Love the the last quote. Its about "Waiting"?

Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be 
waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and 
now and on this earth.
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one
that is waiting for us.
The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting
to be struck.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Ten men waiting for me at the door? Send one of them home, 
I'm tired.
Oh to be so loved.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My New Shoes

Skechers Work Shape-Ups High-Performance Slip-Resistant Shoes

New Shoes!  I enjoyed going to physical therapy for over two months to help relieve my Achilles tendononites problems.  The Achilles tendon is responsible for helping you lift off the ground with each stride and when injured or stressed, a mere walk around the block can be very painful.  When the tendon gets inflamed it is known as tendonitis, and when the tendons are chronically overused, it may lead to microscopic tears in the collagen matrix and causes a gradual weakening of the tissues. And this is what affected me.
These new shoes (Sketchers Shape-ups) are so nice to walk in and in fact really inspire you to walk by the way they propel you... they're very supportive and make each step feel as though you are as light as a feather. Thanks to my best friend, I now have "Happy Feet".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Illusive Cardboard Box

The illusive packing boxes, where did they all go? It sure is hard to find cardboard boxes that haven't been shredded, mutilated or just plain unusable. Well, we hit the jackpot this morning at Kohl's. We were actually there to pick up some new socks for Grandma.  After entering the store, there they were, the boxes.   I asked the clerks if please, please can I have them.  Of course, take as many as you want she answered.  And yes I did, as you can see.  My car overflowed with boxes. My daughter sat on the roof cover and helped hold the boxes in.  After two miles of driving at 10 miles an hour, we safely reached home and we both sighed a sigh of relieve. From the laughter on our part about how silly we looked and the looks we received from passers by.  Just another memorable moment on our path to a new home. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Apple Dumpling Cafe

A real home cooked country breakfast is what we had enjoyed at the Apple Dumpling Cafe. The Cafe is located 23706 S. Power Rd, Queen Creek.  Found this quaint place on a recent outing looking for a possible new home.  This part of the valley I love.  It’s full of acre properties with orange trees and amazing views of the San Tan Mountains.   It’s a place that screams of home. The service was great and prompt. Though I think most of all I will love coming for dessert especially!  They have hand made fudge and old fashion ice cream. Can't wait till we visit again, diet will be done and I can make my way to the ice cream counter to choose among the tasty treats they offer. Yes, Yes, I need to buy a place close.  I just loved this Cafe.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gilbert's Historic Water Tower

photo, gilbert's historic water towerThe Town of Gilbert took their historical water tower, refurbished it and improved the surrounding grounds’ into a water park. It is a historical landmark, the tallest attraction in all of Gilbert rising up to 123 feet; it is the one thing that marks the spot of real Gilbert.  What an oasis in downtown Gilbert. No pun intended. The park has an amphitheatre, a splash pad, various water features, an overflowing ledge, benches for sitting to enjoy the sounds, and a kugel ball where water splashes down from an old water arm for tank filling. The kugel made out of dark granite is located on the ground and is mounted on a base. At set times of the day, water is released down on top of the Kugel allowing it to spread in different directions.  Located within the park is the old water pump building which has been restored. The building was actually the very first jailhouse in Gilbert. It is a center for information and pictures on the tower's history. With the pending sale of our house, I am taking a look at areas close to me, it’s amazing how familiar they become and some times just overlooked. This a great place to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. Liberty Market is next door with great coffee and a wonderful breakfast menu.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday Night's Fun

What a week this has been with visitors from Wisconsin, lots of enjoyable family and friends.  While they are here, I always like to try new, exciting and vibrant places to visit and eat.  A different menu, just full of new flavors and delights to taste and enjoy. Friday night was de la Cruz Bistro in lovely downtown Mesa. And the place was full, and much to our delight; dancers and music.  We had not a clue what entertainment and fun we would have watching and listening. This dancer, Liliana is fantastic.  If I could do half of the movements she does, I would be thin for life.  The food, oh my, the was wonderful, a blend of Cuban, Mexican and South American delights. If you are in Mesa some evening, with not a clue where to eat….try this delightful restaurant.  The only caution I have, if you have a problem with being in a place full of noise, laughter, clapping and great entertainment, this is not the place for you. 

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Forbidden Broadway"

Ladies night out, yippee! What fun!  The ladies, that is my two sisters in laws and a great friend attended a show at Mesa Encore Theater. Showing, a drum roll please.... the wickedly funny Forbidden Broadway. It is has been one of  New York’s longest-running hit musical comedy.  Well-known show tunes and performers are skewered in a hilarious medley of songs and scenes featuring knee-slapping ‘alternative lyrics.’ Performers target such famed targets (shows) such as “Chicago,” “Phantom of the Opera,” and “Les Miserables”.  Broadway legends such as Carol Channing, Chita Rivera and Ethel Merman are also poked.  This is a great show and a great place just to enjoy a good laugh.  You don’t have to be up on the latest Broadway hits to enjoy “Forbidden Broadway,” you just have to enjoy a good laugh and we did.  Our favorite spoof was the Chita/ Rita scene.  If you appreciate a good lampooning, you’ll love “Forbidden Broadway”.
After a stop at the ladies room, too much laughter, we were on our way to Scottsdale, we thought to Peppin, a Tapas Bar.  After arriving at the Mall, we soon discovered there was any additional $15 cover charge for the band.  If it had included a dancer, we would have been first in line to get in the door.  Instead we went next door to AZ88, The Bar, where we had a great snack, enjoyed the cool evening, great views of the mall and an extraordinarily modern place.  It was complete with hanging manikin legs covered with panty hose and suspended from the ceiling with, what else suspenders.  Crazy!

Beginnings of the Theater
Joseph S. Jarvis in 1937 became head to the Mesa Parks Department, his desire was "to make Mesa a beautiful place for all to live". He knew there was a need for a community recreational and cultural program.    One of his first orders of business was to start a theatre group. Throughout the past almost 70 years, from its humble beginnings on a school stage, to loading flats and properties on a truck, traveling to performance locations, and thousands of volunteers have worked to carry on the Jarvis legacy. By donating their time, talent and financial support, MET has produced over 175 full-length plays. MET has brought together members of the community to act, sing, build sets, stage manage, run lights and sound, sell tickets, usher and bake refreshments for intermission. Today, Mesa Encore Theatre still operates through the efforts of volunteers working to provide a wonderful evening of live theatre.  It is a small, intimate theatre where you can sit close to the action. A great venue for just enjoying an evening out, even in downtown Mesa.  And another history moment.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Arizona Capital Museum

                                                             A Little History

Arizona State Capitol MuseumIn the years before Arizona became a state, the territorial capital moved from Prescott to Tucson, then back to Prescott, before finally settling in Phoenix. In 1898, a stately territorial capitol building was erected (with a copper roof to remind the local citizenry of the importance of that metal in the Arizona economy). Atop this copper roof was placed the statue Winged Victory, which still graces the old capitol building today. This building no longer serves as the actual state capitol, but has been restored to the way it appeared in 1912; the year Arizona became a state. Among the rooms on view are the senate and house chambers, as well as the governor's office. Excellent exhibits provide interesting perspectives on early Arizona events and lifestyles. There are free-guided tours Monday through Friday at 10am and 2pm.  
Will be volunteering as a tour guide here.  I am in training now and finding out what an amazing place it is. And since I love architecture and history, I feel right at home. Check it out sometime!