Not sure what we started or where we are headed, but have started this journey with the hope of purchasing a new house with at least an acre. Some one I know wants some chickens and goats. And the game sure has changed...need preapproval for a mortgage before you can make an offer, percentage down, mortgage insurance, tax credits, short sales, bank owned, preforeclosures..and I am thinking where are the normal houses for sale? You know some one just looking to sell their house and perhaps move up or out.
This will be an experience for sure. Hopefully in two to three weeks our home of twenty two plus years will be up for sale..lots to do! Will need Amber's help and encouragement! Elisabeth's help with the touch up painting and Lisa guidance with some rearranging needed.
Looked at four houses really nice(pictured above), one ok house and two complete dogs. The time frame on buying one of the above described homes is anywhere from four to eight months. We may be moving twice, I guess it will be twice as fun. Always can rent another storage unit...wonder if they allow humans to live there? ummmm.
I must admit it’s going to be an exciting roller coaster ride with some up and down days. Can't wait, sure it will be fun and educational!