Do you ever wonder where all of the lost dogs come from? What kind of life they had before leaving their homes? Do they have loved ones missing them greatly? Whose bedside is mourning the loss of that dog? What child went to bed sad and lonely with out their friend? What is the dog's name? How old is he? Is he lonely, scared and sad? So hard to know! At my sister's this weekend, this is what greeted me when I opened the front door Sunday morning, with a cup of coffee in hand. A chocolate lab just waiting for someone to wake up and greet him. What a wonderful guy he is..a dog I mean. Smart, friendly, knows some commands and yes and like my Mattie May, he is just happy some one is petting him. Found posters went up with the thought in mind, sure hope the owner's didn't want him. If they are found and want him back great, but if not I know this gentle lab has a new home, with his smile and all. He crinkles’ his mouth around in such a fashion that it looks like he is smiling. I am hoping this will have happy ending, a dog that needed a new home and my sister who needed another companion. A new name...how about....