After months of bidding, loosing the bid, bidding again and then winning the bid, getting our mortgage, the house is finally ours. With all due pomp and ceremony, the keys were delivered Thursday night.
Such a lovely home, lots of work ahead, but it will be fun and worth it. Next chores...moving 500 concrete roof tiles, removal of about 40 pigeons, a new garage door, yard cleaning( a little over an acre), about 200 feet of new fencing(needed for the pups), a new front door to choose, deciding where to put the doggie door, new shutters, finding a missing rack for the microwave and oven, new racks for the dishwasher and picking out interior house colors, so the painting can begin. These are just a few of the things to do. Any offers? Looking forward to a cool evening to enjoy this fireplace in the master bedroom.
The Witch Hazel is Blooming
8 hours ago