Part of our keeping our current insurance provider was to replace and repair the broken tiles on our roof. Not an easy task as we have about ten different slopes and separate areas of roofing. The inspection report said that twenty tiles needed to be removed and replaced...I think the man couldn't count right or he grew tired. Actually it was more like ninety tiles that had to be carried up the ladder and the old broken tiles were tossed off the roof. When I said tossed off...that's exactly what happened...wherever they would fall or should I say where they were thrown and not by me. Front yard, side yard, rear yard, by the drive way and if you are wondering who got to collect and pick up the broken tiles...look no further...it was me. See the pile! The dark tiles are actually the ones that were replaced. What a difference in color and we have a pile of the original ones...that's what the sun does to them. Next project..finding a way to get rid of the pigeons and helping them to find a new roosting place...think it's possible? Dirty birds!!!!!!