Sitting here in my daughter's kitchen, the sadness is a bit overwhelming. The house is flithy and a mess.
Just unloading so I can get rid of the negative feelings I am having. Hope this move for them is thier own new beginning...they will need to change a few things. But I am letting go, I can not and will not feed this any longer. Time for both of them to grow bills and not just buy 300 dollar headphones. Unbelievable!
Have been up for almost 3 hours and no one is does she expect me to clean up the mess, so I at least feel comfortable and do all of the packing. They pick up thier truck next Tuesday...a lot to do.
At this moment I would rather be at work...the feelings are depressing right now...Oh well, time for a smile as Lis says and get the day going. The sun is out and it truely is a wonderful fall day! And I am back east where my heart is...and this makes me cry...looks like I am also finding some answers to my own future.
The Witch Hazel is Blooming
17 hours ago
Ms. Jean-
Listen to your heart and trust your intuition!
Enjoy your trip
Keep you chin up! And just enjoy the beauty of Maryland! And please, please do not kill yourself cleaning and packing their stuff..