Returned to my past place of employment and this is what now greets you as you enter the lobby, a small placard with a note to dial zero for assistance. If you look at the plaques in the background they show the company's ranking in the valley...either number one or two, at least in the top ten in their field. And now this is how this multimillion-dollar company greets its clients? The statement I see as I entered is that we cannot afford anyone to welcome and recognize you as a client and person of importance to this firm. What does this represent, lack of funds, will this company survive? The other thought I have is the absence of security for the present employees. This is not one of the safest neighborhoods, actually one in transition and there have been some occasions for concerns. Sad to see the recession hitting companies so hard. Remember the past receptionists with a smile, it was wonderful to be greeted by a person who thought I was important!
The Witch Hazel is Blooming
17 hours ago
you are right jean, that is very sad. i choose to remember the GOOD times there and i hope i see the good times again