One thing that I was able to do and never will forget the wonderful, almost floating experience happened at the Tostada Bowl this year. I got to be part of the volunteers to open the flag on the field. We arrived at the stadium in Glendale around 2:30 to meet and be oriented on the procedures of unfolding, running the flag and actually keeping it off the ground during the pre game ceremonies. What fun we had, though the wait for 45 seconds of fame was trying. That’s how long the song was played and we had to unfurl it and refold in that time frame. Meet lots of wonderful people from Alabama and Oregon. It was a feast for the eyes or should I say imagination...seeing some of the costumes and outfits. And I must say I love those southern ladies attitudes, makes me smile just thinking of them. If I come back to another life on earth...please I would love to be one, a southern lady.
This flag is the size of the football field and we had 200 volunteers helping with it. I was under the flag helping to keep it afloat.... what a feeling! I will never be able to describe it...seeing the flag above and the grass below...almost like a dance. Next year...hope I get to do it again. It was a WOW!
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