Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Hair Disaster/Eulogies

The Hair Disaster
This morning I colored my hair or a better phrase is I attempted to.  Now I look like a Sun City resident, a lady in her mid seventies that went to the beauty shop where they only have two hair colors  available , black and this awful pinkish grey blond color. If you are from Arizona, you know exactly what I am talking about. And at one time or the other every one here has had a laugh about it, the look of the Sun City hair. Well now..I look like one of them...this  is all to much. Look at me, I am too young for this.  
After I  finish this post, I am off to Walgreens or Walmart to get another box of color, hopefully that one will cover this mess that is my hair right now. I did consider going to the Beauty Shop for help but after a phone call and a quote given, decided I can finish my own mess. That would be a trip of last resort.
Henry James once said, Sorrow comes in great waves...but it rolls over us, and though it may almost smother us, it leaves us on the spot and we know that if it is strong we are stronger inasmuch as it passes and we remain.
And if you are wondering how I could tie a hair disaster with eulogies...
Recieved an email today from work regarding my layoff. It was just a simple statement from a recent client of sorry to hear about Jean - she was a good person. Now doesn't that sound like like a statement someone would make after your death.  Perhaps I am being a bit touchy but after reading that email I did get teary eyed. My first responce was I am not dead, I am here alive in Gilbert. But being realistic, in a way I am dead, dead, gone and unable to help my past clients.  This is a time of struggle for anyone faced with this and I know that I am not alone. Need to keep the faith and know that I will get by this difficult part of my life, it like a passing. Certainly am glad that they thought I was a good person, not the wicked witch of the west or the lazy slob in the next cubicle. Though now do I need to write my eulogy? A eulogy for my job or for the person I was there?  I think I will ponder this for a while after I fix this Sun City hair color. 


  1. oh jeannie bo beannie, you are so right. i have gone through my cvl stuff a few times (i put out some stuff and put the rest in 1 (THAT'S RIGHT ONE) box. i have more stuff (mostly educational) from the other job in a box but that one is in the garage. i waited a few months before i even looked at the cvl stuff though. i appreciate your hair problems (i don't color it, i just stay grey and wait my 3 months before i get it colored again) and i miss being the cvl person i was, working with friends, being creative, having fun. but i make everyday i am at home the best day ever...stay strong, nancy

  2. The fun of hair color....they sell that color out stuff that will take out the color you just put in....i've never tried it alone, but i had the salon do it when i had cheetah hair many years ago :) Post a pic, I've never seen Sun City Pink hair and now i'm curious....

    Smile at least once an hour
    Laugh at least once an hour

    Dont make me call Dr. Moeller Party of 5!!
    lainee lu

  3. Well.... Did you get your hair fixed? Are you Sun City Pink free?
    Sorry I didn't get to comment sooner.. I was at the frozen tundar! brrrr.. I was sorry to read that you were sad... Sorry Jean!!
    So when I we going to get together next? I need to start this quilt..
